LIBRARY > PUBLICATIONS > Shang and Zhou Bronzes and Casting Technology
(Shang and Zhou Bronzes and Casting Technology)

Editor: Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, Chinese Cultural Studies Center

Publisher: Science Press

Publication Date: April 2019

HKD $300
The book is a compilation of the conference proceedings of “Shang and Zhou Bronzes and Casting Technology,” held in 2016 at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The conference was organized by Chinese Cultural Studies Center and the Cultural Management Programme at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The content is mainly on the casting processes of bronzes in the Shang and Zhou dynasty, such as the use pottery molds, investigation into bronze mining and smelting sites, production techniques, and composition analyses of Shang and Zhou bronzes. The proceedings are valuable contributions to the study of Shang and Zhou Bronzes.

Table of Contents:
婦好墓青銅器與南方影響 - 殷墟青銅藝術與技術的南方來源與技術選擇新探 / 蘇榮譽
論婦好墓隨葬銅坩爵的配製及相關問題 / 岳洪彬
殷墟青銅器鑄造的幾個相關問題 / 岳占偉劉煜岳洪彬荊志淳
商代晚期 - 西周早期金屬芯在青銅鼎鑄造中的應用 / 廉海萍
豫南鄂北地區商周青銅器技術研究收穫及思考 / 陳建立
湖北考古地圖之發現 - 遷往南方的商代移民 / 黎婉欣
桐柏月河墓地銅器鑄造工藝研究 / 樊溫泉
楚式鼎的鑄造工藝研究 / 袁艷玲
晚週的藝術設計與青銅鑲嵌技術:發明與互動 / Alain Thote
中國青銅時代青銅禮器器形,裝飾,工藝與社會需求的互動 - 關於器足 / 張昌平
中國青銅器製作技術復原的對照實驗研究 - 關於青銅器外底“人工刻線”/ 丹羽崇史 廣川守 新鄉英弘 樋口陽介 八木孝弘
模文,補鑄,列器 - 淺談商,西周時期模範的多次利用 / 近藤晴香
從粘土到青銅:皇家安大略博物館中國青銅器的隱藏生產序列 / Wenyin Cheng Chen Shen