"Study the past if you would define the future"
On-site Library

The Chinese Cultural Studies Center library, located in Central Hong Kong, is a unique private collection of books and rare Chinese manuscripts. Much of the library's resources started off as part of the personal collection of Ms. Oi Ling Chiang. Her focused interest in Chinese culture and work brought her into close contact with various materials on Chinese culture, the acquisition of which gradually led to a rich collection of resources.

The library's mission is provide comprehensive resources and services in support of research, learning needs, and the dissemination of knowledge in the field of Chinese culture. The library catalog includes, non-exhaustively, antiquarian textual bibliographies, informational and reference books on Chinese history, arts, literature, architectural studies, and archaeological reports and archaeological periodicals such as《考古》﹑《文物》and《考古學報》.

Beyond published books, the library also contains collections of rare letters, rubbings of old stone inscriptions, old Chinese manuscripts (古籍), and shanben (a specific category of old manuscripts that, according to traditional scholastic definition, are texts that are as complete as possible, are edited and collated with a good bibliography, and is an old print or a hand copy of an old print). The CCSC collection includes shanben that have been listed in the First and Second batch of "Guo Jia Zhen Gui Gu Ji Ming Lu," an official directory from the Chinese government on old manuscripts that have been designated as having significant cultural value. These shanben include Zi Zhi Tong Jian Jie Yao Xu Bian¸ published in the Ming Dynasty; a tri-color edition of Strategies of the Warring States printed in the Ming Dynasty during the reign of Wanli (1573-1619); and Yu Zuan Zhou Yi Zhe Zhong, printed in the Qing period during the reign of Kangxi (1661-1722).

If you are interested in viewing any of the material on the library catalog, we welcome you in contacting us for further detail.